Sunday, September 2, 2012

Which positions are similar to a Nanny?

A Family Assistant is most similar to a Nanny. Family Assistants take care of children while also helping to run the home. We often place highly qualified candidates who work as a combined Nanny & Family Assistant. Housekeepers primarily focus on keeping a home clean, but some Housekeepers might be able to help with childcare as well, typically on a back-up basis. Baby Nurses are similar to Nannies; the major difference is the age of the child being cared for. Some Nannies have experience caring for newborns and very young babies, while other Nannies have more experience caring for older children. Baby Nurses focus only on newborns, and typically only during the nighttime hours. Baby Nurses can also provide guidance to new Moms and Dads on feeding, sleeping and breastfeeding. We can help you choose household professional who will be the right fit for your family.

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