Friday, September 28, 2012



If your lifestyle has significant demands and complexities, an efficient Butler can oversee the smooth management of your household and also provide formal service for you and your guests. Usually, Butlers have professional or formal training, and they typically work in households with other staff members.
We know how important the safety of your family and your home is. We work hard to screen all of our Butlers and check every reference.  We practice "full disclosure" which means that we share all pertinent information about candidates with our clients so that you can make a fully informed hiring decision. We’ll never withhold information from you just to push a candidate through. We will keep you informed of our progress screening your chosen candidates throughout your search.
It is important to us that you feel confident that the Butler you hire through Town & Country will maintain the safety and security of your home as well as your personal belongings and private information.  Just as important, we work closely with you to understand your household’s unique needs so that we can match you with a Butler who will be a great fit.
The duties of a Butler may include:
  • Receiving guests
  • Overseeing household management
    • Creating budgets
    • Managing provisions
    • Hiring and overseeing other household staff
    • Helping maintain household security
    • Scheduling the maintenance for miscellaneous items in the estate (stables, boats, planes, etc.)
    • Managing service vendors
  • Performing general valet duties
  • Running household and personal errands for the employer
  • Making travel arrangements for the employer and other household guests
  • Assisting with entertaining
    • Light cooking
    • Serving drinks
    • Setting the table
    • Maintaining the wine cellars and being knowledgeable about fine wines
  • Performing light housekeeping


Compensation for a Butler is usually based on two factors: the amount of experience the candidate brings to the position and the duties included in the Butler job description.

On average, full-time Butlers earn from $50K - $80K annually.

Many families also choose to provide additional benefits to a full-time Butler such as:
Paid sick days
Paid vacation
Paid holidays
Medical insurance

What clients and staff are saying

I wanted to tell you how impressed I was with your process.  You and your team offered a remarkably high caliber group of candidates that were perfectly matched for our homes.  And you managed it in an extremely short time period.” —Dianne, San Francisco
"Town & Country has an excellent pool of experienced Butlers who have worked in the finest homes. If you need a seasoned professional in your home to keep it impeccably maintained and provide exceptional service, I would welcome a conversation to speak about your specific needs." —Nancy McIlvaine, Town & Country Resources

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