Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Our Summer Solution

Summer vacation for preschool, grade school, or middle school can present challenges for many families.  It can be difficult to decide which activities to participate in and how to piece it all together so that everyone in the family can have a fun, enjoyable and well balanced summer.
Last summer, we opted to get a “Summer Nanny” for our children. Our Summer Nanny was on break from our local college and had spent previous summers working as a counselor at summer camps. Peter wanted someone who would play basketball with him and Anna wanted someone who would get in the pool and go swimming with her. First and foremost, Jens and I wanted to find someone who would make sure our kids were safe and well cared for, but we also wanted someone who would enthusiastically engage with our kids in all their summer activities and help to create a unique, personalized and stress-free summer experience for all of us.
Our Summer Nanny exceeded everyone’s expectations. It was a wonderful summer for our entire family and the kids still talk about their “Summer Buddy.” Our Summer Nanny was able to connect with our kids, show an admirable amount of care and concern for our children, AND provide them with an amazingly unique summer experience! Here are some of the other things our kids did with our Summer Nanny that stand out in our memory:
  • Taught the children how to make lanyards and friendship bracelets
  • Played games like tag and capture the flag with the children in the back yard
  • Packed up the kids and their bikes and went riding with them at a local park
  • Cheered the children on at their swim meets and was thrilled when they achieved their personal bests
  • Read to the kids when they were tired in the afternoon and needed some down time
  • Taught the children about lacrosse (which our Nanny played in college)
  • Took the kids to the local museums
  • Took them to see a couple of very silly children’s movies
  • Accompanied the children when they visited with their grandparents
  • Helped the kids keep their rooms clean and picked-up
  • Packed lunches before they headed off for the day’s activities
  • Attended the summer swim team trip to the waterslides with both children
Both of our children loved their summer with their Summer Buddy.  They were able to participate in their chosen summer activities and were also able to spend valuable time at home reading, playing, sleeping in, and relaxing. Having a Summer Nanny was like getting our own personalized camp counselor!
I am just about to call our Summer Nanny to see about this summer – the kids would be thrilled!
If a Summer Nanny sounds like something your family needs, our Town & Country Temporary Department can help.  We have a pool of qualified and wonderful Summer Nannies that can help you.  To see our Special Summer Nanny Pricing and to learn more about our Summer Nannies, click here.

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