Friday, August 17, 2012

Nanny: Job Description


Families want a nurturing, safe and stimulating environment so their children can thrive. The best Nannies do a great job of creating that atmosphere.
We know how important the safety of your family and your home is. We work hard to screen all of our Nannies and check every reference. We practice "full disclosure,” which means that we share all pertinent information about candidates with our clients so that you can make a fully informed hiring decision. We’ll never withhold information from you just to push a candidate through. We will keep you informed of our progress screening your chosen candidates throughout your search.
It is important to us that you feel confident that the Nanny you hire through Town & Country will keep your children and home safe. Just as important, we work closely with you to understand your family’s unique needs so that we can match you with a Nanny who will be a great fit.
The duties of a full-time or part-time Nanny can include:

Childcare: The Nuts and Bolts
Helping busy parents ensure that essential childcare tasks are done right.
  • Preparing children for their day; dressing, grooming, breakfast, and getting them organized
  • Preparing meals for the kids
  • Driving children to school, appointments and activities
  • Laundering clothes
  • Tidying up after children
Childcare: Developmental
Enriching children’s intellectual, emotional and physical development.
  • Tutoring and helping with homework
  • Initiating and participating in enriching activities
  • Playing sports and exercising
  • Story time and reading
  • Connecting during “just hanging out” time
Managing and maintaining the household.
  • Loading and emptying the dishwasher and keeping the kitchen tidy
  • Taking out garbage and recycling
  • Taking care of pets
  • Planning birthdays, play-dates and other activities
Doing household errands.
  • Grocery shopping
  • Personal shopping for family
  • Picking up or dropping off dry cleaning


Compensation for a Nanny is usually based on two factors: the amount of experience your Nanny brings to the position and the duties included in the Nanny job description. We can help you determine the appropriate compensation that will work for your family and the Nanny.

Full-time Nannies who live in the home work between 40 and 55 hours per week and earn $2,800 to $3,500 per month on average. Full-time Nannies who live outside the home work more than 35 hours per week and typically earn $18 to $25 per hour. Part-time Nannies generally work between 20 and 35 hours per week and earn $18 to $25 per hour.

Many families provide benefits that may include:
Paid sick days
Paid vacation
Paid holidays
Medical insurance
Reimbursement for automobile expenses
 Part-time benefits may include:
Paid sick days
Paid vacation
Paid holidays
Reimbursement for automobile expenses

What clients and staff are saying

I was just named Chief of Neurosurgery. My husband and I have both achieved our professional goals and raised sweet and loving children. I tell Gina, our nanny who’s been with us for 14 years, that we couldn’t have done it without her. We’re grateful to Gina and to Town & Country for finding just the right nanny for our family.” —Eileen, Surgeon and Mom

“Working with families and nannies requires asking the right questions – really digging into the details about how families live day-to-day and what they value when raising their kids.” —Sarah Thigpen, Town & Country

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